About Rebecca Holloman

Rebecca Holloman grew up in Wichita Kansas. Her father worked for the Boeing company and he was sent to different United States Air Force bases to modify the B-52. Her family moved to California and explored this great state each weekend. On one trip she traveled to Lake Tahoe and she and her dad drove around the lake.

Rebecca fell in love and vowed to return. When she turned 70, she decided I wanted to see beauty every morning and wanted to live in Lake Tahoe.  Rebecca and her husband, Stephen looked around the Lake for four years and in 2012 found their dream. Rebecca noted, “I am home and I love everything about Tahoe. I love Christ the king church and the members as family.”

Rebecca’s favorite bible verse is John 3:16. Doesn’t get any better than LOVE!!!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”